Tuesday 12 June 2012

Easy Tasty Chickpea Casserole

Easy Tasty Chickpea Casserole

It sure is Winter and if like me I can at times become very de-motivated to cook, or have a flash of inspiration and cook like mad. 

This quick and easy chickpea dish has become a favourite. Yes it is vegetarian, but it it packs some favours. I have made it for my meat loving husband, added some grilled lamb, and a serving of Israeli Cous Cous (which is the larger variety). Also delicious and hearty with roasted pumpkin, red onion and garlic. If you have any, finish off with grilled haloumi and chopped fresh coriander. Yum! I have also made this with out the chilli and my children have inhaled it. 


Olive oil - splash
Red onion- finely chopped/sliced
Fresh ginger - 2 teaspoon- grated
Green chillies- 2 - chopped- seeded
Salt- 1 teaspoon
Chickpeas- 1 tin- drained ( you can stretch the recipe to two tins)
Cumin- 1 teaspoon
Turmeric- 1/2 teaspoon ( optional)
Freshly grounded pepper
Lemon juice- 1 tablespoon
Tomatoes- Punnet of cherry or a tin of chopped
English spinach
Water- 80ml of water depending how many chickpeas you use. 

1.Splash of olive oil in a non stick pan on a medium-high heat
2.Add in Garlic, ginger,salt, onion and chilli
3.Once onion has soften, add in spices, pepper and chickpeas,plus          water- cover and simmer for 5 mins or until water evaporates.
4.Add tomatoes and cook for another 2 mins
5.Remove from heat and add the lemon juice, check seasoning and fold in spinach.

Recipe is sourced Lifestylefood- Bill Granger, with some personal changes. Thanks Bill! 

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