Saturday 3 September 2011

Welcome to The Yoga Gear Store Blog

Good Afternoon

This is our first entry into Blog  land, and I thought I would let you know what my/our thoughts are on our wish list for this Blog.

I would like to create community where people can post their thoughts and opinions too. If you have a fantastic related business, or experienced something yourself, and would like to share.

The focus will be around the Yoga- Pilates Vibe, and I know there are plenty of you out there.

I, in return, will not bore you will ramblings on about how I felt about my coffee this morning, and how I noticed the sky was a shade bluer then before my Yoga class, so therefore must have gained some "awareness"(!) .

To get the ball rolling, I have put all prAna clothing on a 15% off sale. PrAna ( and yes that is how it is spelt) is from the US. They are a company that practice manufacturing as sustainable as they can, using wind power and fair trade etc agreements. Unfortunately for us, that means that their clothing costs more to make. More to ship, and more to wear!

Goodness comes at a cost!

Many thanks for your time reading our first entry, I look forward to any comments back.


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