Sunday, 25 September 2011

Feet, Foot, Toes, Heels - say NO to cracks.


I have issues about bad feet, and when you go to a packed yoga class, and you have to suffer because of bad hygiene- sorry, it ain't on!

How can people forget what their feet look like? They go everywhere you go, hold you up, take you places, keep you rooted down to the Earth. They are the foundations of your day.
Its a constant reminder in my yoga practice.

When I go to the studio I admit, I have moved my place in the room based on state of my neighbours feet. Usually the person in front of me. And not necessarily males being the main offender . Yes ladies, you are guilty too. And as for the chipped toe- polish, please please treat you're self to a pedicure even if it's a cheapy.

Having to deal with dirty cracked in-grained feet is no turn-on.

If you have spent money on  lovely "Yoga Gear" (  haha just had to throw that one in), you feel great and energised so don't let your feet down when you are in down-ward dog! Respect! You wouldn't spend a few hundred bucks on a beautiful dress, and shoes and have dirty feet would you? When I was in my 20's and learning about make-up, hair etc, ( I was a late bloomer!) I always had this mantra in my head that you never know who you are going to bump-in too, so always try and have it together... oh dear, must remember that next time I pop around the corner on a Saturday morning to get coffee with "bed- head" still on, trackies, and dark sunnies,  and frequently see Tom Williams having his B&E, take away of course, not that I notice, oh, and he drinks a flat-white, one sugar, drives a black ute......... I wonder what his feet look like???????!!!!!! So back to the the out-fit and the feet - don't think, "oh, I'm going to yoga, and its herbal man, and dirty feet, hairy armpits don't matter. Some yoga teachers happen to be male, and easy on the eye, so you try holding triangle pose, and some tattooed warrior comes to re-align you, and then you spot that you didn't check your pits ! Too late! And boys, this is time to strut your stuff, inner piece. The place is a potential pick-up joint for you Singles out there.

Oh those Yogies say, "but you shouldn't judge, you should respect everyone, and just "be". Excuse me, but the big yoga clothing brands don't portray the hippy -lo-la policy when there is money and sales involved. Its all quiet beautiful, and full or harmony. Om Om Om.

My feet aren't too bad as I am so conscious of it, that I scrub them every day. At the moment I am quiet horrified as my last pedicure, the shredder came out, and she scappled me, so I have her handy work displayed in a cut up my heel. The ritual of "Medi-Pedi " is as far as I am concerned general house-keeping. Men should do it too. And what a treat to take those gorgeous princess's -our daughters on special treats.

You can do a simple foot soak for yourself at home, all you need is TIME, warm water in a tub, Epsom salts from the supermarket (  best $5 you will spend), few drops of lavender oil, pumice stone of some kind, and some lovely cream to put on after. Allow a good 10 mins each foot. I have also heard that popping on soaks for bed-time gives your feet a treat too, once you have applied cream.

I have to add that my dear husband has terrible feet, he actually has been known to pull his toe nails off with pliers. And we are still married.

Next week, I shall write something lovely and heart warming, plus a recipe, something fresh and delicious.

Please comment, share, follow, etc so I know that I'm being looked at. :)

Have a wonderful week and please also check my Yoga Aid page, I will write something about that in a couple of weeks.

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